GROHE Sense kit GROHE Sense Guard pametni regulator vode + 3 x GROHE Sense pametni senzor za vodu

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GROHE Sense water security kit – make your home safer with one complete kit

Welcome to GROHE Sense – the innovative smart water control system that is a real life-changer. This kit includes 1 GROHE Sense Guard and 3 GROHE Sense sensors. GROHE Sense Guard is a device installed in the pipework that automatically shuts off water supply in case it detects a pipe burst* or an unusually high water consumption**. Even micro leaks*** are identified. The three battery-powered GROHE Sense sensors detect flooding in spaces where water is used such as kitchen and bathroom. Just place them on the floor near the potential source of leakage. Combination of the devices maximizes the protection - if GROHE Sense detects water, GROHE Sense Guard automatically shuts off water supply. All devices are connected via Wi-Fi to your smartphone so you can manage them using the intuitive GROHE Sense app. It takes seconds to download and gives you instant control, allowing you to monitor your water supply, customize your settings and turn off the water manually. For a qualified installer, fitting GROHE Sense Guard is a simple job using the wall-mount set (22501000). Installation by one of GROHE´s Water Security Experts ensures reliable product operation. * GROHE defines a pipe burst as a complete hole or a crack in the downstream piping system, resulting in an unintended disposal of water with close to maximal flow rate. Pipe burst detection depends on the general water usage profile, therefore time-lag to shut-off can vary significantly. During that time water might be disposed. Achieve higher detection speed by combining the installation with GROHE Sense on critical locations. ** Detection speed depending on the water usage profile in the house. Achieve higher detection speed by combining the installation with GROHE Sense on critical locations. *** A micro leak test is conducted once every 24 hours. Pipe material, volume and other piping system characteristics can impact the result. Micro leak detection is limited to the cold water system in most cases. Combine with GROHE Sense to monitor potential humidity increase over time.

Glavne značajke

  • Proizvedeno u Njemačkoj
  • 1 x GROHE Sense Guard pametni regulator vode
  • za bežični LAN, mrežno napajanje, 230 V
  • za obiteljske kuće
  • samo hladna voda
  • otkriva puknuća cijevi, mikro curenja, rizik od smrzavanja i neuobičajene protoke voda
  • upravljanje funkcijom gašenja automatski, ručno ili daljinskim upravljačem kako bi se ograničila šteta od poplave
  • očitava brzinu protoka, tlak vode i temperaturu sustava
  • prati potrošnju vode
  • primajte obavijesti i prilagođene postavke via GROHE Sense App
  • naznake statusa putem LED svjetla, zvučnog signala i iskočne obavijesti
  • bežični LAN 2.4 GHz, WPA/WPA2 zaštičeni
  • za horizontalnu ili vertikalnu instalaciju desno nizvodno od vodomjera
  • upotreba seta za ugradnju na zid 22 501 000 s preporučenim G1" priključkom, prodaje se zasebno
  • uključuje ugradbene matice R3/4" i produžni kabel za struju 0.7 m, C tip utikača
  • akustična grupa I koja se slaže sa DIN 4109
  • instalira se samo na cijevi za hladnu vodu
  • 3 x GROHE Sense pametan senzor za vodu
  • za bežični LAN, na baterije
  • automatska upozorenja u hitnim situacijama - alarm za poplavu i alarm u slučaju rizika od smrzavanja
  • dnevne obavijesti o vlažnosti i temperaturi zraka
  • primajte obavijesti i prilagođene postavke via GROHE Sense App
  • naznake statusa putem LED svjetla, zvučnog signala i aplikacije
  • za postavljanje na ravnoj neprijanjajućoj površini
  • bežični LAN 2.4 GHz, WPA/WPA2 zaštičeni
  • uključuje 9 x AAA baterije
  • odobrenje CE