Kako biste podnijeli reklamaciju, molimo Vas ispunite obrazac na sljedećem linku: groheservis
Kako bismo osigurali najvišu kvalitetu usluga, obavještavamo vas da, u skladu s važećim propisima, vrijeme za razmatranje prigovora može biti do 14 dana od trenutka zaprimanja ispravno popunjene prijave.
Produženo jamstvo od 10 godina za odabrane proizvode robne marke GROHE Professional
Prednost za Vas: Beskompromisna pouzdanost GROHE proizvoda
Iskoristite prednost našeg produženog jamstva proizvođača od 10 godina (za proizvode proizvedene nakon 01.03.2013.) na naše ugradne vodokotliće iz linija Rapid SL, Uniset i Rapid Pro kao i za naša ugradna tijela (Rapido i ona koja nisu Rapido). Za detaljan pregled proizvoda na koje vrijedi produženo jamstvo, pogledajte link dolje.
Jamstvo proizvođača je posebno važno za proizvode koji se instaliraju u zid ili iza zida. U tim slučajevima vam produženo jamstvo nudi osjećaj sigurnosti da ste odabirom GROHE proizvoda napravili apsolutno pravu odluku u pogledu kvalitete, inovacija i tehnike. Detalje o pravima i obvezama iz produženog jamstva pogledajte na linku dolje.
Naše redovno jamstvo od 5 godina također možete pogledati na donjem linku.
Full warranty conditions
GROHE Manufacturers Guarantee 2 years plus
GROHE products are designed to be both visionary and innovative with quality always guaranteed. Purchasing GROHE products means your investment is perfectly balanced in terms of quality, technology and design with sustainable production.
GROHE shall grant guarantee services to the end consumer in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth below for all products supplied to the end customer under the GROHE brand, which are tagged as products to which the “GROHE Manufacturer’s Guarantee 2 years plus” is applicable.
Registration of products to obtain extension of the guarantee period
Extended Manufacturers Guarantee 10 years
Benefit – both you and your customers – from our Extended Manufacturer’s Guarantee 10 years (applicable for products being manufactured after March 1st, 2013) for built-in cisterns (solo) and our built-in cisterns in our installation system Rapid SL, Uniset and Rapid Pro as well as our Rapido and Non-Rapido built-in devices.
In particular for products whose function is decisive and which then disappear behind the wall, the security of a manufacturer’s guarantee is elementary. It offers you the good feeling to have taken the right decision regards quality, innovation and technology by trusting GROHE’s rear panel technology.
Full guarantee conditions