GROHE Blue Home U-izljev start paket

Broj proizvoda

The GROHE Blue Home Duo is the smart way to cut out plastic bottles by bringing filtered, chilled and sparkling water to you on tap

Having water on tap has changed our lives. So the possibilities of having pure, still or sparkling water on tap are endless. No more bulky, wasteful bottles to store or dispose of is just the start. The GROHE Blue Home Duo starter kit is the complete way to enjoy pure, cool drinking water. Choose from still, medium or sparkling water. Using the GROHE Watersystems App, this connected version allows you to activate your tap from your smartphone. You can also monitor your consumption and even set it to reorder filters and CO2 bottles when you run out. You can even use your phone to remotely set up your tap, plus you can link your water use stats to your health apps. The set includes a GROHE Blue single-lever tap and a low-energy home cooler unit, where the filter and CO2 bottle for carbonization are housed. Fitting into any cabinet of minimum 30cm width, the cooler unit is ideal even for compact kitchens. Removing and replacing both the filter and 425gr CO2 bottle are straightforward. Your Blue Home Duo tap comes with all the benefits of great design and classic looks that you get with any GROHE kitchen tap. The easy-to-use high U-spout with 150° swivel action and slim body is fed by separate inner water ways for filtered and non-filtered water. Touching the lever handle gives you standard water for washing up, but press the illuminated LED push button and you activate the filter to get chilled or sparkling water from the tap. The LED display indicates when the cartridge needs changing. Sculpted in GROHE’s characteristically fluid lines, this monobloc kitchen mixer tap is finished in a lustrous GROHE Long-Life coating and features the hard-wearing GROHE SilkMove internal mechanism for smooth operation. And as it needs no external piping with everything in the kit ready to go, it takes a maximum 30 minutes to fit. GROHE Blue Home – the smart new way to enjoy pure filtered water on tap.

Glavne značajke

  • sastoji se od:
  • GROHE Blue Home jednoručna miješalica za sudoper s funkcijom filtriranja
  • instalacija na 1 otvor
  • U-izljev
  • tipka za 3 vrste filtrirane i ohlađene vode
  • negazirana, srednje gazirana, jako gazirana voda
  • GROHE Long-Life premaz
  • GROHE SilkMove keramička kartuša 28 mm
  • cjevasti izljev
  • područje zakretanja 150°
  • odvojene unutrašnje cijevi za filtriranu i vodovodnu vodu
  • fleksibilne spojne cijevi
  • GROHE Blue Home hladnjak

  • dostavlja 3 litre ohlađene gazirane vode po satu
  • jedinica za hlađenje 180 W, 230 V, 50 Hz
  • razina zvuka u stanju mirovanja 44 dB (A)

  • vrsta zaštite IP 21
  • odobrenje CE
  • zahtjeva ventilacijske otvore na dnu kuhinjskog elementa
  • postavljanje softvera i nadzor filtera i kapaciteta CO₂ moguće putem GROHE Watersystems app
  • šalje obavijesti kada je filter pri kraju odnosno kada je nizak kapacitet CO2
  • s Bluetooth® 4.0* i WIFI sučelje za bežičnu podatkovnu komunikaciju
  • za Apple** i Android uređaje
  • Bluetooth raspon (10 m) ovisi o materijalu i debljini zidova između odašiljača i prijemnika
  • GROHE Blue filter S-veličine, glava filtra sa fleksibilnim podešavanjem tvrdoće vode za područja s tvrdoćom vode većom od 9° dKH
  • za područja s tvrdoćom vode ispod 9° dKH molimo naručite filter s aktivnim ugljenom 40 547 001

  • compatible with GROHE Blue filter S-Size, M-Size, GROHE Blue activated carbon filter, GROHE Blue Ultrasafe filter and GROHE Blue magnesium+ filter
  • GROHE Blue 425 g CO2 boce
  • System requirements Apple iPhone with iOS 14.0 or higher System requirements Android smart phone with Android 10.0 or higher Mobile devices and GROHE Watersystems App*** are not included in delivery and have to be ordered separately via an authorised Apple store/store/iTunes or Google Play store.* The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Grohe AG is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.** Apple, the Apple logo, iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Apple is not responsible for the function of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards.*** Available for free via iTunes app or Google Play store.
  • Ovaj proizvod uključuje proizvod koji je deklariran kao opasna supstanca. Više informacija potražite u sigurnosnom listu. Možete preuzeti sigurnosne podatke na:

Broj pozicije Opis proizvoda Broj narudžbe
Galanterija po izboru
1 Prsten za učvršćivanje 07419000
2 Kapica 46581000
3 Ručica 46957000
4 Kartuša 46580000
5 Upravljač protoka 48343000
6 Kontrolna jedinica 46958000
7 Filter za prljavštinu 47576000
8 Sklop za učvrščivanje držača 48384000
9 Potporna ploča 05334000
10 Hladnjak 40711001
11 Glava filtera 48344000
12 Filter S veličina 40404001
13 Start paket CO2 boca od 425 g (4 komada) 40422000
14 Glass carafe with lid set 40405001*
15 Filter M veličine 40430001*
16 Filter od aktivnog ugljena 40547001*
17 UltraSafe filter 40575002*
18 Magnesium + Zinc filter 40691002*
19 Kartuša za pročišćavanje 40434001*
20 Adapter za čiščenje kartuše 40694000*
21 Set za produljenje 40843000*

Proizvodi i dodaci za ugradnju

Kako god da zamišljate osvježenje vodom - filtrirana, ohlađena, negazirana ili gazirana - GROHE Blue sustavi za vodu daju vam izbor pritiskom gumba.

S inovativnim GROHE Red sustavom možete dobiti vruću vodu direktno i sigurno iz miješalice.

GROHE sustavi za vodu